
Middle Ridge Uniting Church is delighted to offer you hospitality for these important occasions.

Wedding Ceremonies

Middle Ridge Uniting Church would be delighted to perform your Christian Marriage Ceremony. For more information about how we can assist you with your wedding please contact us.
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Middle Ridge Uniting Church understands how tough it can be when a loved one passes away and are happy to assist with a funeral services to honour the life they lived. For more information about how we can assist in this area, please contact us.
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Baptism and Thanksgiving

Both services include a naming component, each with different phases.


Baptism is for those parents who intend to bring their children up in the Christian faith and as part of that to participate regularly in the life of the Christian Church.
Baptism takes place in a Church Service and is celebrated by a minister in partnership with elders. Certain commitments are made in the Baptismal Service which cement these intentions.

Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving is for those who either don’t want to make these commitments to the Christian Church or those who want their children to be able to choose baptism later in life. Thanksgivings may take place outside the worship of the gathered church and can be celebrated by ministers and/or elders. A range of commitments can be made in the Thanksgiving service.


For more information about how we can assist you with your Baptism or Thanksgiving service, please contact us.
Contact Us

Come in and see us

264 Stenner Street,
Middle Ridge QLD 4350

Call us for more information

(07) 4636 3850

Email us with any questions


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Sunday Services - 9am. Coming in 2025 Alpha -Click here for details